Welcome to the world of Shadow Riddles! Here, light and darkness come together to reveal clues that are always by your side but never fully seen. Each riddle is a mystery wrapped in shadows, waiting for you to uncover its secret. Prepare your mind, follow the shadows, and let the fun begin!
1. I follow you around, but I’m not alive. I grow when the sun’s out and shrink when it hides. What am I?
A shadow
2. I change size, but I never speak. I’m only visible when there’s light. What am I?
A shadow
3. I appear when it’s sunny, but I disappear at night. You can’t touch me, but I’m always in sight. What am I?
A shadow
4. I have no color, but I’m always near. You can only see me when the light is clear. What am I?
A shadow
5. I copy your every move, but I can’t be caught. You’ll see me by day, but at night I’m not. What am I?
A shadow
6. I’m invisible in darkness, but you see me in the sun. I always run beside you, but I’m never done. What am I?
A shadow
7. I grow longer as the day goes on, but I vanish at night when the light is gone. What am I?
A shadow
8. I follow you everywhere, but you can’t see me in the dark. I’m your silent partner in every park. What am I?
A shadow
9. I’m with you in the light, but in darkness, I fade. You can’t touch me, but I’m always made. What am I?
A shadow
10. I move when you move, but I can’t run or walk. You see me when it’s bright, but in the dark, I don’t talk. What am I?